Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's a busy week!

We have been hustling around here cleaning, cleaning, cleaning this week! Our annual homestudy visit with our caseworker always sends me into a cleaning frenzy and I, in turn, whip the rest of the family into a frenzy.  Nate is excited to do the steam cleaning in her room all by himself. Yes, my son, manly men love cleaning!!!

I have also been hanging out with our foster dog Basil. Oh, I love this boy! Such a distinguished gentleman! Protective of the kids and a complete love. I'm happy he is here, and I'll be sad when he goes to his furever home.

In other news, Andy has applied for two different jobs down in Idaho. If you want us down there, you're gonna' have to pray hard, y'all! We've been trying to get back to Idaho since we were married, and it just never seems to work out. 

Also going on at the Boyle household, I'm hoping for a new heater in the near future. Yay! Can't wait to put the old dinosaur we have now to rest. 

That's all, folks! Back to cleaning!

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