Saturday, March 1, 2008

I wan' some!

This is what Lizzie wailed as we all dug into the peanut-butter filled cracker thingies. It was hilarious! Trust The Bottomless Pit to pull out her first 3-word sentence for food! Cracks me up!

We signed Nate up for kindergarten today. I think seeing school stressed him out. He was making little whimpering noises, and only relaxed after I told him I wasn't leaving him there. I, of course, have been having "My little boy is growing up!" moments all day long. It embarrasses him to death. He has another tooth just about to fall out. It is soar, and he doesn't like to bite with it, so his diet has been bread and jelly the past two days. Wait...that's been the past two years...nevermind.

Andy is playing video games and therefore has nothing to add. But then, does he ever?? :)

It was a long night at work for me. I wish I was better at my job.


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