Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yes, we're still alive!

Sorry I haven't posted anything lately! Life seems to be slipping away so quickly the past couple of weeks! We haven't turned into ice cubes yet, even though it has consistently been below zero the past several days.

The kids are doing great. Getting tall and laughing lots. Nate was so excited after school today because he got two stickers in Reading! Yay! Only two more before he gets to pick a toy from the Prize Box! Oh, the joy! Lizzie wishes it was warmer so we could play outside. She gets bored in the house and is forever standing by the door asking to go shopping or just "go out."

Dogs are both fine. Shelly's old bones don't like the cold weather, so she spends most of her time curled up in front of the heater in Nate's room. Sage continues to be spazzy yet lovable. To her delight, Lizzie has caught on to the "chase Sage around the house" game and they play it as often as possible.

And Yay! Today is the 10th anniversary of me and Andy's first date! I had planned to go through the whole story, but it's pretty late tonight. Maybe another time. *happy sigh* I can't believe it has been that long! I remember I was so anxious and excited to see him! All my practice sentences in French class were about him (poor Madame!), and I was constantly calling friends to consult them about my wardrobe. I was quickly labeled as "twitterpated," a word I had often used to mock my friends. After the date, I corrected them: "No, not twitterpated. IN LOVE!" :D

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on reaching 10 years! That is awesome.
    I think we are all going a little stir crazy. I am ready for my kids to be outside playing.


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