Thursday, September 15, 2011

One by one

A friend of mine wrote a blog post about her blessings today. She asked, "What are your blessings?" Well, I have to say, I have too many to put just in a blog comment! :)

At church, we have a hymn that says, "Count your many blessings, name them one by one ... and it will surprise you what the Lord has done." What are my blessings? Glad you asked.

First, my sweet, loving, compassionate husband.

Yeah, he's so cute!
Andy pulls me through the tough times and is my quiet harbor in any storm. Corny? Don't care. Totally true. Twelve years of marriage, and I have to say I wouldn't have made it through some of them if it wasn't for him.  He's the guy my kids run to with wide smiles and calls of  "DADDY!" He's the guy that makes my heart skip a beat. Love him more than air!

Then I have my beautiful and wonderful children:

Nate the Great

Miss Elizabeth
Without their birthmom, I wouldn't even know these amazing kids. I am thankful for her every day. Witty, wise Nate and funny, sweet Lizzie are the greatest joys in our lives. 

Then there's my family and Andy's family. We're all a little bit nuts, but we all love each other anyway. So many different people, different opinions, different views...but at the end of the day, we're still family. 

I have a cozy house that keeps us warm and dry and a yard where my kids can run and laugh and be kids. I have some truly awesome people in my life I'm lucky enough to call friends. I have a running car (if you knew our luck with cars, you'd be thankful, too). 

I have a knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father who knows me as an individual and is aware of my trials and triumphs. 

I am blessed with a heritage of faith and and strength. 

So, now the question is: What are YOUR blessings? Name them one by one. The list will go on and on, and you really will be surprised by the things your take for granted every day.

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