Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today is one of those days when anything seems possible . . . like the universe is saying, "Hey...ya' know...go for it!" I really hope the universe isn't psyching me out. Like Lucy holding the ball for Charlie Brown. If I run as fast as I can and kick as hard as I can, will the ball go sailing through the air, or will the metaphorical ball get yanked away and I land on my back?

Dear universe: Please no...

What do you do when you feel like this? Like the stars are all aligned . . . all you have to do is move forward and take advantage of the moment. Do you just go for it? Or do you hang back a bit, wondering what could go wrong if you run forward too quickly? Seriously. I curious.

This is kind of how I'm feeling today . . . like lightning has struck my heart . . . 

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